Banned Books, Cancel Culture, and Home Libraries

In A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver Van DeMille, the author presents the concept of a national book. A national book is something that almost everyone in the nation accepts as a central truth. At the time of our founding, the Bible and later The Declaration were our national books and remained so up until some time in the 1980s, as purported by the author, when we began failing to recognize a national book. Since then a national book has not replaced the Bible nor the Declaration of Independence.

The issue of a nation existing without a national book is that the nation becomes one without a shared culture, or at best in the process of losing it.

In 2020 we saw an attack on the founders and figures of our nation as monuments and statues of people such as Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and others were vandalized, removed, and in some cases destroyed. Now in the first few months of 2021 the printed word has come under attack. First as I will address in regards to Dr. Seuss and secondly in a book banned by Amazon last week.

Yesterday, March 2, 2021 the birthday of Dr. Seuss witnessed the demoralization of one of America’s most beloved children’s authors under the guise of accused racist publications. The Random House publishing company announced they would no longer publish six Dr. Seuss stories including: And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (1937), If I Ran the Zoo (1950), McElligot’s Pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Scrambled Eggs Super!, and The Cat’s Quizzer.

Our family owns and loves If I Ran The Zoo. The other titles on this list of newly banned books I am not familiar with. I have only scanned And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street and had not even heard of these other books until this week. Frankly I am not a huge fan of Dr. Seuss for a few reasons pertaining to personal taste. However, our family values and semi-regularly reads a few of our favorite Dr. Seuss books: The Sneetches and Other Tales, If I Ran The Zoo, Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose, Horton Hears a Who, The Foot Book, Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas! I have never once considered a Seuss book to be racist in general and primarily because most of his creatures are made up and nonsensical and therefore pertain to no race at all.

In addition to a national book, there are books which our society historically considers classics. I would put Dr. Seuss’ works for children into a more modern classic category. Certainly one in which all Americans can easily recognize central characters and quote a few lines of the text.

As summarized by Oliver Van DeMille, If we will let them, the classics can teach us lessons without the pain of repeating certain mistakes ourselves. They can show us correct choices which will get us where we want to go….The most challenging struggles of life are internal and the classics can help…. Classics help us connect with individuals whatever their race, creed, age, culture and even place in history.

Inarguably when I think of classic literature I lean more towards Dickens, Bronte, Alcott, Montgomery, A. A. Milne, Shakespeare, Austen, etc. However, concerning national, modern classics Dr. Seuss would certainly be at or near the top of that list.

A brief overview of three of Dr. Seuss’ books will highlight the messaging that Seuss books convey:

The Sneetches teaches a wonderful lesson about a community of creatures who gauge status on the presence or absence of a star on their belly. The story summarizes the futility of judging people on the basis of their outer appearance and rather understanding that we are all the same on the inside. I particularly love this book for its lesson on humanity and because of its phrase stars upon thars. It’s delightful to read aloud!

In Horton Hears a Who, we are admonished that a person’s a person no matter how small. I’ve considered this a pro-life message since I began reading the story to our children over a decade ago.

The Butter Battle Book published in 1984 is lauded as teaching tolerance and respect and I would further add that it is a cautionary tale of war. I couldn’t help think of the Cold War the one and only time that I read the book with my kids. It’s one I intend to revisit.

When we erase historical events and people in our history with whom we may or may not agree , we erase our national identity and our shared heritage of both the virtuous and the vile. Additionally, when we ban books and limit the free speech and expression of authors and artists we are weakening the ties that bind us as a culture and nation. We are stifling learning, discussion, debate, and connection within and among our people.

Last week Amazon removed the book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment by conservative author Ryan T. Anderson from their platform. This book was published in 2018 and had been sold on Amazon since its release at that time. You will want to listen to The Briefing with Al Mohler to summarize this topic and then to his interview with the author on Thinking In Public which took place in 2018.

Make no mistake, a minority of our population which communicates with the majority megaphone wants to dismantle our country’s heritage and further strip away all sacred beliefs exercised in the secular realm. Put another way, our country’s Judeo-Christian principles are systematically under siege and we must determine as a populous and as individuals where we will draw the line and upon what ground we stand on.

While Dr. Seuss and Ryan Anderson’s books are for two vastly different audiences and entirely different purposes the attacks on them come from the same point of reference: that which is deemed counter to the current woke narrative must be erased and silenced.

It is time we reencountered our original national book. It is the only one that will save mankind–God’s Word.

Let me go on record as saying: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. As for our home library, my husband and I will determine which literature to allow and what to ban for our family’s consumption. In the words of Martin Luther: Here I stand, I can do no other. God help me. Amen.

Please visit my online bookshop where you will find books for life.

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Fear Not: COVID Christmas Part 2

Last week just after posting Christians and a COVID Christmas my family drove surrounding neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights. We hadn’t driven long when we came upon a house I will never forget. It wasn’t one of those with the coordinated FM station and a light show, although we saw one of those too, it wasn’t a larger than life inflatable Santa or a handcrafted nativity. It was simply two words in big, bold lights:


It took our breath away in such a manner that I can only imagine what the shepherds thought as they encountered a heavenly host and the angel of the Lord saying

Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10 KJV

2020 has been a year of fear. Fear of an unknown virus. Fear of infection, death, the overwhelming of our healthcare system. Fear of loosing employment and paying the bills. Fear that children living in abusive homes will not be reported and rescued. Fear of isolation. Fear of violence. Fear of the loss of our democracy. You name it and it most likely has been a fear this year.

But God.

In His infinite wisdom and divine love our Creator sent His angels to remind the shepherds and every generation after them to FEAR NOT for His joy had come; He sent His Son our Savior Christ the Messiah.

I find it immensely comforting that the calendar concludes each year with the celebration of Christ’s birth. No matter the year behind us or the future before us we are reminded each December that Jesus fully empathizes with all of our earthly struggles and reminds us that He doesn’t treat those who are in Christ Jesus as our sins deserves because He remembers that we are but dust.

The celebration of Christ’s birth reminds us that this world is not our home. We live for a heavenly kingdom that cannot be taken away from us. So that indeed we can fear not.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39 ESV

Whatever fears we have as we exit a world-changing year and enter into another year full of the unknown, we can confidently lay our fears at the foot of the cross and follow Him as He leads us in His love.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10: 23-25 ESV

I believe that this letter from C.S. Lewis (see here) is as timely today as in the day in which he wrote it. If you have found any comfort in the words I’ve shared I am sure you will find even more there.

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Christians and a COVID Christmas

When the wise men traveled to see the Messiah they were entertained by King Herod who played the part of a fellow honor giver but whose real intentions were to crush any opposition to his rule. This Christmas I am awakening to the fact that Herods are among us and giving their condolences that Christmas must be crushed once again.

Consider this: Numerous government officials from coast to coast repeatedly tell citizens to stay at home, wear a mask, avoid congregating, especially in church, and don’t eat inside with other people outside your household. In fact, don’t dine out at all. Don’t even go to work.

These same leaders are caught on camera dining in with people out of their household without wearing a mask, getting private haircuts and not wearing a mask, and taking private airplanes to the beach with friends and not wearing a mask all while telling you we have no other option. Oh, and they get to keep their jobs too.

If this were a substantial threat and reason to stay at home while neglecting our sacred duty and right to go to church at the very least, then the following would be true as well:

Politicians would be in bunkers not at the beach.

This would really be about public health including their own and not private wealth.

Masks would be worn at all times and not simply while on camera.

Meals would be eaten in the privacy of politicians homes and not in the most expensive restaurants while the rest of their constituents can’t even go to work and are encouraged to take one for the team… alone.

In short, this is about control not safety or you can bet the tyrant politicians would be protecting themselves first and foremost.

We need to question everything and test every claim by real facts not fancies. Christians ask yourself, do I want my children to grow up heedless of the words of Hebrews to not neglect meeting together and all the more as you see the day approaching?

Our toddlers will turn into teens and then they may not want to go to church. It is imperative to set those practices now or you may forever train them that convenience and safety are higher priorities than gathering for worship.

Some people have real health problems for which they should take all the proper precautions. These words are not for them. These words are for the rest of us.

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Ten Children’s Book Illustrators You Should Know: Barbara Cooney

Picture books aren’t merely for the youngest children in our homes, they are for young and old alike. Over the next two months I will highlight ten of my favorite picture book illustrators, a few of which you may be unfamiliar with.

Today’s author/illustrator is the beloved Barbara Cooney. If you listened to my interview on the Read Aloud Revival Podcast (Listen here.) then you heard me swoon over the (unfortunately) unrelated Mrs. Cooney. Additionally, if you’ve perused my list of picture books highlighting orphans and celebrating adoption, you’ve seen many of Barbara Cooney’s works listed there. (Find the list here.)

This American writer and illustrator of 110 children’s books, which were published over sixty years, was the mother of four. Although she didn’t write an autobiographical account of her life, it has been said that Miss Rumphius, Island Boy, and Hattie and the Wild Waves are as close as she came to doing so. Mrs. Cooney received two Caldecott Medals for her work on Chanticleer and the Fox and Ox-Cart Man, and a National Book Award for Miss Rumphius. Her charmingly illustrated books have been translated into 10 languages.

Barbara Cooney is such a treasured illustrator on our shelves that it was hard to narrow down my favorite books that she either illustrated, or both wrote and illustrated; however, below are my top 12.

America and the world is a better place because of her contributions to children’s literature. Barbara Cooney is an illustrator that you should know and I hope you come to love.

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15 Cherished Christmas Chapter Books

Don’t you love a wonderful Christmas story? The kind that offers peace, hope, and good will towards men?  Me too! Following is a list of my 15 most cherished Christmas chapter books to read aloud to the whole family or individually. Many of these are classics with a few newer selections thrown in. Please share your favorites in the comments.

I hope that December has been filled with wonderful memory making even as it highlights our depravity and utter need for our Savior, Jesus Christ.

You still have time to cuddle up with a good book and read past Christmas Day as we celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas and Three Kings Day.

Merry Reading and Merry Christmas!

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What’s Your Perspective On Change?

Moving out of my college sorority dorm was the second indication of how I handle change. Moving in may have been the first. I vividly remember my excitement about starting as a freshman at Auburn University. I moved in with my roommate, both of us eager and apprehensive to begin rush week and pledge a sorority. Before leaving home, I made sure to leave one of necessary toiletry items at my parents’ home and was glad I did after the first week at the university. Jumping into my white Toyota Corolla at the end of rush week, I called them and said, “I’m coming home for the weekend. I made sure to leave a hairbrush and toothbrush so I don’t even need to pack those.”

That car ride home, as well as the last time I moved out of the dorm to walk down the isle and become a wife, should have told me all I need to know about my view of change. I contemplate planned for change with a piercing focus on the future. It is only after the fact that reflection and mourning of what has passed and cannot be regained sets in. The enormity of finishing college one year early to wed my husband completely escaped me until he and I moved the last box to the car and closed the door on my room for the final time. It was in that moment that I realized a major chapter was closing as an even bigger journey was beginning. The same in that my first week away at college conveyed how much I loved and missed home even as I was excited about the transition to university life… to becoming an adult.

Sixteen years have passed since Ron and I said I do and moved to his hometown in Florida (though he is originally from New Jersey). Living in the same villa for sixteen years has meant welcoming four children, two biological, two birthed from the heart (in addition to much paperwork and waiting), plus one foster son into our home. We have been through the newlywed, newly parent, and nearly joining the ranks of the middle aged in this house. Countless tears and joys have been lived out as well as multiple ministry gatherings. I’ve collected an inordinate amount of books that would easily fill a one-horse-town library. We’ve home educated our children from preschool within these walls and read countless number of books together. We’ve built a life here, and now, our family has outgrown this space.

In preparing to move, it has been interesting to study the reactions of our children. Many times they will tell us they don’t want to move a mere ten minutes away, while in the next breath they are talking excitedly about plans for our new space. I try to console them when necessary and encourage all the positives that our move will bring. One evening, in so doing, I was telling my husband that it won’t be until the final box is packed away and the U-haul filled that we will shut the doors for the last time on 4038 and say good bye to this space that has brought us one blessing after another from the Lord, and one sustaining word from God after another in this home. In telling him I teared up and became emotional…I’m getting emotional now just typing it. And yet, I am so excited about our next step.

That same evening I told the children about my emotions experienced as I thought about the final closing of the door on 4038 and in in so doing it reminded me of a spiritual truth. With every tearful goodbye to temporary dwelling places, it is a strengthening reminder that we are not home yet. Our eternal home is the home we are living for, and all the moves along the journey are memorial stones on the pathway there. We are meant for Heaven as our home by the gloriously good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Praise His Name.

I’ve walked down memory lane with you in the hopes that you too will do some introspection and see how you view and cope with planned change. It is enlightening to know this about ourselves and help us to see the weaknesses and strengths our particular perspectives bring, and in helping us to be sympathetic and empathetic with those we love.

One final thought before you go. In our home, we share books akin to how we share bread– daily. Our last chapter book we will read with the Bigs as we refer to our older two children is, The Bronze Bow. This book, written by award winning author, Elizabeth George Speare, takes place during the Roman Empire during the life of Jesus. In fact, Jesus is a prominent character in the story and it is rich with Biblical text. The Lord graciously led me to read the book at such a time as this. I can’t think of a better book to end with in their early childhood home. God is immensely good indeed.

How do you process change? What is your best moving advice? Share below in the comments.



You can now purchase my book, Thirty Balloons: An Adoption Tale, on Amazon.

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Foster Care: What I Wish I Knew

Several years have slipped by since I first penned a letter to my younger self concerning foster care. (Read here.) During that six year period, I have had many people in the process of foster care certification ask me what I wish I had known when embarking on this journey.

What do I wish I had known?

I wish that I viewed behavior not as defiance, but as a means to communicate hurt and reactions to trauma that words would not allow. Our experience in both foster care and adoption has been with children three and under thus far. These little people cannot process or communicate the feelings that are ripping their hearts apart or causing them anger and anxiety. In truth, I cannot always put words or awareness to the many emotions and reactions that I have or have had in this process. In fact, I attended a Q & A foster care panel last evening and found myself with tears streaming down my cheeks as the panel approached their seats. They hadn’t even spoken a word! These last six years of foster care and adoption have been emotionally draining; not only the process, but the relearning how to parent children that have faced loss so early in life. Behaviors convey more than defiance.

I wish I read books not required by our foster licensing, but recommended by fellow foster and adoptive parents. Our foster training was a three hour course once a week over 10 weeks. Each week we met and were lectured on the expectations of foster parents as well as some scenarios that we could expect. We completed homework assignments and filled out heaps of paperwork. Sadly, we were not equipped to deal with practical everyday behaviors, only instructed in what not to do. I am sure that some insight was given, but overall we were poorly furnished with processes to ensure meeting our children’s behavioral challenges with meaningful measures. For instance, time outs, punishments, and taking away of toys or favored items does not work with children going through such trauma. Here are a few resources that I am currently finishing up, revisiting, or reading for the first time. (The last book I have not read yet, but comes recommended by fellow foster/adoptive parents.) A little warning, The Connected Child has wonderful step by step guides, however, this book frequently presents the worst case scenario. Please don’t be put off by this as I was! I have attempted to read this book on three occasions because of this, but have recently come to the final chapters and will reference it again as needed. It is a valuable resource!

I wish I paced for a marathon…or two…or three. In fostering a child you are opening the doors of your home and the pages of your calendar for an indefinite amount of time. This process frequently takes longer than you or the state anticipates and much longer than case management projects. Foster care is a commitment to a child or a group of children to love, protect, and advocate for them until reunification or a forever family, even if that is your own, is warranted. There are seldom quick fixes and even when those do arise, your heart has been forever changed and expanded in loving and caring for a fellow image-bearer of God. Foster care is a marathon.

I wish I embraced foster community earlier on. Foster care and adoption waters can feel like uncharted territory and lonely shores if we don’t embrace and seek out fellowship with other foster families and prayer from our friends in the faith. Seek prayer and shoulders to lean on. I know we could not have made it in this journey, nor continue to fight the good fight as well as our fervent attempts, apart from the prayers of our fellow foster/adoptive parents and faithful friends and family. Only the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit know every hurt and hurdle we and our families face, but the Body of Christ provides prayer and provisions when we most need them and often when we least expect them. Don’t go this journey alone. We were made for community.

I wish I knew this was a family affair. When you as a married couple, or a single adult, step out in obedience to welcome a child or teen into your home, you are making this decision for the other children in your home, your extended family, your church body, and your friends. I’ve stated this in a previous post, but our two oldest children have fully embraced the foster and adoptive lifestyle and they are richer for it! It has been painful and confusing at times as they abruptly said good bye to their foster brother of 13 months, or as they watched and waited for our youngest son to transition into our home and then months later be legally adopted. Additionally, as they have watched us endure different trials or legal setbacks in our adoption of our youngest daughter. With each child they have had a front row seat as their mother and father, although I credit Ron handling his emotions far better than myself, strain under the stress of advocating for what is best and patiently trusting the system and the sovereignty of God to work the slow wheels of justice in our court system. We knew this was a family decision, but we could never have anticipated what a great impact our decision would make on the children already given to us by God, our extended family, and our church family.

Finally, I leave you with several fictional, middle grade to young adult books that adequately and artfully portray what may be on inside the hearts and minds of children in foster care while simultaneously providing a picture of outward behaviors. These books will help you step into the shoes of children that may look like a child whose heart and face you have not encountered yet, but who is waiting for you on the other side of your family’s obedience.

*Parent warning: The next two books contain a character (the foster mom) which alludes to a previous homosexual lifestyle. I am not recommending you read these to your children, but rather you read them for your own understanding of how your foster child is processing their feelings and the road to establishing a healthy connection.

This last book contains a foster (pre-adoptive) daughter who has autism. I am a licensed speech-language pathologist who previously specialized in treating children on the Autism Spectrum. I was amazed in reading this fictional account at how accurately the author described the character with autism. At the end of the book, I read that the author is an adoptive dad of a child with autism. If you are considering opening your home to a child with autism, this may be a good read for you. Remember this is a fictional account! Children with autism are as different as children without this condition. Just an interesting book and a fascinating read.

Do you have books to add to this list? What do you wish you had known as a first time foster parent?

Faithfully walk where God leads,



Purchase my book, Thirty Balloons: An Adoption Tale, on Amazon.

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Mama, You Do You

Driving in our new to us minivan with all four kids this week, I had a thought strike me. In the midst of our current audiobook, Ember Rising: The Green Ember, Book 3, babies bantering with one another, and while focused to observe all traffic laws, I considered how different motherhood looks in the twenty-first sentry than the ones before it. My daily tasks aren’t the harvesting and preserving of crops, the care of chickens, and the day-long preparation of food. In fact, I spend little to no time on the daily work that encompassed frontier women one-to-two-hundred years ago.

The last few generations have been fed the lie that we as women, wives, mothers, workforce laborers, entrepenuars, and the so the list goes, can be and do all. It doesn’t take an outside poll, expert, or mama blogger like myself to tell you that having it all is not reality.

No woman does it all. I know it can be easy to look at our favorite podcast host, author, tv personality, or even the mom you follow on social media and wonder how she successfully conquers all she sets her hands to. The fact is, there is so much she doesn’t do while you are busy looking at all she does.

I have had several friends ask me how I manage to make book lists, write a blog, self-publish a book, home educate our four children, and make time for exercising. It might be tempting for someone on the outside looking in to assume I have it all together and do it all. Let me tell you, I certainly don’t do it all, nor do I have it all together. I don’t believe any woman does, not even Joanna Gaines! My laundry pile is always heaping and if it isn’t I feel a huge accomplishment as if summiting Everest. If I spend an hour on dinner I feel a pat on the back is in order. I never work in our yard; our kids and my husband do that. While I am passionate about our house being picked up, it is hardly ever deep-cleaned. We say no to outside commitments more often than yes, and our children are only involved in one extra-curricular activity each that occurs simply once a week.

I’m telling you all this mama to communicate a singular point: You do you. God has uniquely shaped your passions and interests. He has gifted you, equipped you, and molded your every day for the mission he has for you to fulfill. While we are all here to glorify God and love and serve Him forever, the ways in which we do this and the magnitude to which our efforts are visible are as varied as the colors of the sunrise and sunset around the world.

While my role as wife and mother at the core–to love, serve,and raise disciples–is the same as that of every mother in history, it is also varied by the period in which I live, the call of the Lord vocationally upon my husband and our family, my interests and abilities, and the opportunities that I either seize, strive toward, or let slip out of reach.

While your motherhood may not look like Marmee from Little Women (Puffin in Bloom) darning socks and working on the war effort, Ma from The Little House (9 Volumes Set), or even Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, your role looks like God has defined it for this period of time, in this season of life, and by His eternal plan. You do you in all the ways that God has called you to loving and serving your husband and children and your community in the unique ways that make up the fabric of your life.

Driving in my minivan and looking at the beautiful children who ride along with me, I am reminded that all too soon my van will be emptied of all car seats and the precious children that encompass it. In their place will be young men and women sent into the world to make a way for themselves. I hope that when that time comes I will have been faithful more days than not in the everyday in the way that God called me to walk out His purposes for my life in order to have the greatest impact on theirs.

God bless you mamas!

You can now purchase my book, Thirty Balloons: An Adoption Tale, on Amazon.

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Twelve Books to Celebrate Easter with Your Family

It can be easy to leap into spring planning for a break from school and work, and eagerly seeking the signs of a new season: dogwood blooms, azaleas, buttercups, and irises. Next thing we know, Holy Week is upon us and we have just enough time to break out our Easter resources and decorations.

Our family anticipates celebrating Good Friday with a trip to the local bakery to grab fresh hot cross buns, dying Easter Eggs on the Saturday before Easter, and perhaps initiating a few new traditions. However, the best way we celebrate and focus for Resurrection Day is by reading a heaping stack of books. So, until we savor the hot cross buns and dye eggs, we ready our hearts and prepare our minds with some of our favorite books to celebrate Easter. Below are twelve books that we return to each year. Plus a bonus book that we are adding since the publication of this post. Happy Easter!


Plus one book more…

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Of Conductors and Worldview: A Trip to the Orchestra

My two oldest children and I attended a Coffee Concert series with the Florida Orchestra twice over the last few weeks. I love to visit the orchestra. It reminds me of dance classes in younger years; the music surrounds you and all you can think about is the present. The sights, sounds, and emotions that the music conjures within help to focus and calm you like few other experiences. The orchestra also lends to time to ponder and ask questions.

As I studied the musicians and the two different conductors, I couldn’t help but evaluate the importance of their jobs and the styles of the two. I questioned: wouldn’t a group of seasoned, talented musicians be able to play a well practiced piece by simply following the music? They can keep the rhythm and tempo themselves, right? I am not alone in asking these questions. Consider this post from NPR about the difference a seasoned versus a novice conductor makes in the performance of an orchestra. Or this article from the BBC which outlines what a conductor actually does. It would seem that a conductor makes all the difference in the quality of a performance.

Coming from an audience participant, I know that the conductors, at least in the Coffee Concert Series, provide a description of the musical piece, its history, and anecdotes about the composer. Once I have been given this information, I can visualize the score better and understand what the composer is trying to communicate with clarity.

Isn’t God the Grand Conductor?

I believe that God is like a conductor, and Easter is a beautiful score in the musical drama of time and space as we know it. The symphonic score of God, particularly as it pertains to creation, the fall of man, and man’s redemption through Christ, provides the background information that we need in order to understand the world around us. Just as a conductor shapes our understanding of a symphony, so too God forms our worldview with His grand story. Apart from God and His Word, the Bible, I would not be able to answer the questions of life: what is the chief end of man, where did man come from, what went wrong, how can what went wrong be remedied, what is my purpose, and what happens after we die? He, as Conductor, shapes all that I perceive and study around me. A biblical worldview is the only one I have found to withstand such questioning.

So too, the Lord as Conductor, signals to His instruments and lets them know when to play, when to rest, when to increase the tempo or slow it down, when to play a soft note or one with vibrato. God orchestrates our movements if we follow His lead. Even considering last week’s post, God will give wisdom, knowledge, and joy. (See Ecclesiastes 2:26) That is why I can question more over meager because He will answer my questions with a direction, a signal, a command. He will look at us as a Conductor towards His musicians and gesture with His hand and eyes that our turn awaits, our moment has come, our opportunity to play our portion of the symphony has arrived, for such a time as this… Or, we will see that His hand is set towards us to wait and watch.

It’s is amazing what thoughts can come to us on a trip to the orchestra. These were mine. Have you encountered thoughts leading you towards the resurrection, Easter, or worldview in your everyday occurrences this week? Please share.

Below I have linked to several resources that are helpful with a study of the orchestra and classical music. We are diving into six weeks of music study in our home education and will be using a few of these. Following these are some of my favorite and most trusted worldview resources.

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