Christmas Books To Celebrate the Season

We’ve decked our halls and trimmed our trees. Our large blue wooden box of Christmas books sits stuffed to the brim and many titles have already passed through little hands.

We add to our Christmas book collection each year and develop new favorites as we revisit old friends. Traditionally our family celebrates the season at a slow pace as much as possible. Several years ago I wrote about 5 Helpful Principles Every Type A Woman Needs to Embrace and I’ve since tried to abide by them. With my husband working in the ministry the Christmas calendar has the potential to quickly fill up with church events alone so we have traditions that we maintain in our home but not always around town. The first and foremost tradition is reading wonderful books!

Christ is the central focus of Christmas in our home and here are the books we read to aid us with that intention:

Most of the books we read embody the spirit of Christmas without telling the Christmas story explicitly. There are many many of these but here are our favorites:

There are so many 12 Days of Christmas books that I don’t have a strong favorite at this point. In fact, I have five or six I want to try out this Christmas and decide which one I love the most. Here is another cute edition by Hilary Knight:

While Santa doesn’t deliver presents to our house (read more here), we have a few that incorporate St. Nicholas and Santa Claus. Here are some that we would recommend checking out at your local library or adding to your collection:

Santa Mouse may be the cutest mouse you will ever meet!

Don’t you love a wonderful Christmas story? The kind that offers peace, hope, and good will towards men?  Me too! I reread A Christmas Carol every year and typically I Saw Three Ships and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Following is a list of my 16 most cherished Christmas chapter books to read aloud or individually. Please share your favorites in the comments and feel free to ask me any questions that you have.

 I have a few that I’ve introduced to at least one of my children and plan to introduce to each of them this year:

 The Little Match Girl made an impression on me when I was a child. It is one that I haven’t shared with my children but plan on doing so this Christmas. I think this will open the door for rich conversations around our responsibility to look for ways to help others. 

Finally, I’ve posted here about Christmas books that have corresponding movies. Check out the list and see if there are any of your favorites!

Merry Christmas to you and yours. May your days awaiting the celebration of Christ’s birth draw you nearer to the heart of God.

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15 Cherished Christmas Chapter Books

Don’t you love a wonderful Christmas story? The kind that offers peace, hope, and good will towards men?  Me too! Following is a list of my 15 most cherished Christmas chapter books to read aloud to the whole family or individually. Many of these are classics with a few newer selections thrown in. Please share your favorites in the comments.

I hope that December has been filled with wonderful memory making even as it highlights our depravity and utter need for our Savior, Jesus Christ.

You still have time to cuddle up with a good book and read past Christmas Day as we celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas and Three Kings Day.

Merry Reading and Merry Christmas!

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Favorite Family Christmas Books with Accompanying Movies

Reading a basketful of Christmas books is a wonderful way to spend our days, but there is something about snuggling up together to watch a Christmas movie with a mug of hot cocoa in the glow of the Christmas tree. We have a regular litany of Christmas movies we watch each year but I especially love it when we can celebrate the reading of one book with a family movie night.

Yesterday, in a last minute decision, I was able to attend the production Charlie Brown Christmas Live. Imagine my excitement! I’m fairly sure that when our children remember their childhood they will nostalgically recollect the marking of seasons by each Peanut’s Gang DVD. The live production was remarkable. I watched with a smile the entire performance and plotted brining my family next year. It’s a wonderful experience to build our family traditions, which for us include books and a selection of movies.

Here are a few for your family to enjoy!

Merry Christmas!

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Christmas Books for You To Enjoy This Year and Every Year


If you’re anything like me, you’ll prefer visiting the local Christmas Tree Farm and snuggling up with a good book on Black Friday over endless shopping with a pack of strangers. Having said that, there are several books that I chose from to read and reread each year during the Christmas Season. Plenty of picture books, an embarrassing number in fact, fill our Christmas book box and line our shelves (see a few here and here). However, there are a few chapter books that I preserve for independent reading and enjoyment on my own. Enjoy this list and let me know of few of your own!




Our youngest daughter was (finally) adopted last week. I haven’t had a chance to write about the beautiful celebration date with it being so close to Thanksgiving, but I wanted to give you a sneak peak of our adoption day festivities. Thank you for your prayers and support. It has been a long, but worthwhile, wait. To God be the glory.

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Christmas Books to Round Out National Adoption Awareness Month

As we close the last day of National Adoption Awareness Month and turn our eyes towards Christmas, I propose a few more seasonal stories to warm your heart. Tales to remind us of great needs in the world and our abilities to make a change not for every child, but perhaps for just one.

My daughter and I have already listened to and are listening to again, The Christmas Doll. The older kids and I are nearly done with I Saw Three Ships, a new favorite from last year.  I can hardly wait to read aloud Holly and Ivy; a book that spurred me on two Christmases ago just after we met our youngest adopted son and were realizing this would be a long journey. Just how long, we had no idea! Finally, The Matchbox Girl is a beautifully illustrated, sorrowful tale that reminds me of our need to not pass people by. We must look to help in each situation as the Holy Spirit leads us and make a difference in the lives of children God puts in our path.

May you find these stories to be welcome addition to your holiday reading. If you like these, you might also like more of our Christmas favorites over here.

Happy reading and Merry Christmas!



*If you are reading this in your email head on over to the original post for the book links here.

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