Favorite Family Christmas Books with Accompanying Movies

Reading a basketful of Christmas books is a wonderful way to spend our days, but there is something about snuggling up together to watch a Christmas movie with a mug of hot cocoa in the glow of the Christmas tree. We have a regular litany of Christmas movies we watch each year but I especially love it when we can celebrate the reading of one book with a family movie night.

Yesterday, in a last minute decision, I was able to attend the production Charlie Brown Christmas Live. Imagine my excitement! I’m fairly sure that when our children remember their childhood they will nostalgically recollect the marking of seasons by each Peanut’s Gang DVD. The live production was remarkable. I watched with a smile the entire performance and plotted brining my family next year. It’s a wonderful experience to build our family traditions, which for us include books and a selection of movies.

Here are a few for your family to enjoy!

Merry Christmas!

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Christmas Books for You To Enjoy This Year and Every Year


If you’re anything like me, you’ll prefer visiting the local Christmas Tree Farm and snuggling up with a good book on Black Friday over endless shopping with a pack of strangers. Having said that, there are several books that I chose from to read and reread each year during the Christmas Season. Plenty of picture books, an embarrassing number in fact, fill our Christmas book box and line our shelves (see a few here and here). However, there are a few chapter books that I preserve for independent reading and enjoyment on my own. Enjoy this list and let me know of few of your own!




Our youngest daughter was (finally) adopted last week. I haven’t had a chance to write about the beautiful celebration date with it being so close to Thanksgiving, but I wanted to give you a sneak peak of our adoption day festivities. Thank you for your prayers and support. It has been a long, but worthwhile, wait. To God be the glory.

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Favorite Picture Books to Celebrate Thanksgiving


Filled with traditions, food, and travel, Thanksgiving is among one of our family’s favorite holidays of the year. I know it can be easy to race through November festivities as we rush to welcome Christmas décor and the unlimited Christmas Hallmark movies, which started before Halloween this year. (What’s that all about anyway?) However, I discovered that I feel more comfortable leaving out the pumpkins and fall décor if we are reading stacks of great picture books to celebrate the season. This list is filled with gems, many of which teach more about the holiday than I ever learned in school.

Which ones on this list are your favorites? See any new to you or notice some that I missed? Let’s chat in the comments!


Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


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Favorite Fall Picture Books


Each year our family celebrates the first day of fall with a tradition we’ve come to call, Fallibration. During our annual celebration, we eat a pumpkin themed breakfast on fall themed paper plates and napkins, read all of our favorite fall picture books, and proceed to watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (Remastered Deluxe Edition). We’ve carried on this tradition for several years and our pile of books has grown along with our excitement over the day.

Here is a list of our favorite fall picture books that we believe you are sure to enjoy! We will be reading and rereading these throughout October.

What are your favorite fall picture or chapter books? Which traditions does your family uphold each fall? Let me know in the comments below.


Happy Reading,


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Read Alouds to Celebrate the Fourth of July

My family had the chance to visit Pike’s Peak a few years ago during our Colorado vacation. It was a beautiful sight to behold the inspiration for the patriotic song, America the Beautiful. This week, as we celebrate the founding of our country and the men who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to give the gift of freedom to us, here are a few books to provide inspiration and education. Happy Fourth of July to you and yours!

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12 Books to Celebrate Dad

He’s the wrestle champion, BBQ extraordinaire, advice giver, spiritual leader, firm foundation, trend setter, bread winner, shoulder to cry on. Yes sir, I am talking about Dad! It’s June and time to celebrate the fathers in our life. Below are 12 books that highlight dads and the special place they hold in the family, and in their children’s hearts.

A few ideas for sharing this particular stack of books:

  •  place these in a book basket and encourage your older, literate children to read them to your younger children
  •  have this special stack set aside for dad to read aloud
  • snuggle in close with your children and read them aloud yourself

In my own community, there are several families who will endure this day as they remember the man no longer here. A dear friend of mine wrote a post several years ago about her own family’s experience with Father’s Day soon after the death of her husband. If this sounds like someone you know, please pass this post along. Also, read it for yourself to see how you can help a family during this holiday. While these book suggestions below may not meet the needs of a family in such a situation, I may have one recommendation. Why not grab a copy and read aloud a stack of books, or a book, that your children’s father loved reading to them? Or maybe you could read a portion of his favorite book. I think this would be a nice way to remember the man and honor his memory even while acknowledging the huge loss.

For the dads still present with us today, we can’t wait to celebrate you! Here are 12 books to get started:

Danny’s dad takes him on illegal excursions (pheasant poaching), but this is a fun father/son story that you and your children won’t forget!


What books would you add to this list? Happy Father’s Day!





Purchase my book, Thirty Balloons: An Adoption Tale, on Amazon.

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20 Audiobooks for Your Next Family Road Trip

With summer break quickly approaching, many of us find ourselves in the car for extended family travel. One of the ways our family passes the time on our frequent road trips to visit family in Alabama is listening to audiobooks. There are so many to choose from and the choices might vary depending on age and gender. For instance, my daughter has listened to all the American Girl Audiobooks, while my son prefers The Chronicles of Narnia Audiobook Series. However, as with family read aloud selections, there are many selections the entire family will love including anything by Jim Weiss or the Jonathon Park Adventure Series. My two oldest children often agree on many choices, and it helps that we take turns choosing which book to listen to next.

Below are 20 audiobooks I am positive will capture the hearts, minds, and imaginations of your family as you listen on road trips this summer. I have started the list with books for even the youngest in the family and gradually increased in maturity with the selections. Don’t forget, you can sample each audiobook by clicking on the links below and then Audible Sample underneath each book. Finally, many of these books are the first in a series; so find one that your family deems their favorite and dive in!

Now, it’s your turn! What are your favorite audiobooks? Let me know in the comments section.




You can now purchase my book, Thirty Balloons: An Adoption Tale, on Amazon.

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Mama, You Do You

Driving in our new to us minivan with all four kids this week, I had a thought strike me. In the midst of our current audiobook, Ember Rising: The Green Ember, Book 3, babies bantering with one another, and while focused to observe all traffic laws, I considered how different motherhood looks in the twenty-first sentry than the ones before it. My daily tasks aren’t the harvesting and preserving of crops, the care of chickens, and the day-long preparation of food. In fact, I spend little to no time on the daily work that encompassed frontier women one-to-two-hundred years ago.

The last few generations have been fed the lie that we as women, wives, mothers, workforce laborers, entrepenuars, and the so the list goes, can be and do all. It doesn’t take an outside poll, expert, or mama blogger like myself to tell you that having it all is not reality.

No woman does it all. I know it can be easy to look at our favorite podcast host, author, tv personality, or even the mom you follow on social media and wonder how she successfully conquers all she sets her hands to. The fact is, there is so much she doesn’t do while you are busy looking at all she does.

I have had several friends ask me how I manage to make book lists, write a blog, self-publish a book, home educate our four children, and make time for exercising. It might be tempting for someone on the outside looking in to assume I have it all together and do it all. Let me tell you, I certainly don’t do it all, nor do I have it all together. I don’t believe any woman does, not even Joanna Gaines! My laundry pile is always heaping and if it isn’t I feel a huge accomplishment as if summiting Everest. If I spend an hour on dinner I feel a pat on the back is in order. I never work in our yard; our kids and my husband do that. While I am passionate about our house being picked up, it is hardly ever deep-cleaned. We say no to outside commitments more often than yes, and our children are only involved in one extra-curricular activity each that occurs simply once a week.

I’m telling you all this mama to communicate a singular point: You do you. God has uniquely shaped your passions and interests. He has gifted you, equipped you, and molded your every day for the mission he has for you to fulfill. While we are all here to glorify God and love and serve Him forever, the ways in which we do this and the magnitude to which our efforts are visible are as varied as the colors of the sunrise and sunset around the world.

While my role as wife and mother at the core–to love, serve,and raise disciples–is the same as that of every mother in history, it is also varied by the period in which I live, the call of the Lord vocationally upon my husband and our family, my interests and abilities, and the opportunities that I either seize, strive toward, or let slip out of reach.

While your motherhood may not look like Marmee from Little Women (Puffin in Bloom) darning socks and working on the war effort, Ma from The Little House (9 Volumes Set), or even Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, your role looks like God has defined it for this period of time, in this season of life, and by His eternal plan. You do you in all the ways that God has called you to loving and serving your husband and children and your community in the unique ways that make up the fabric of your life.

Driving in my minivan and looking at the beautiful children who ride along with me, I am reminded that all too soon my van will be emptied of all car seats and the precious children that encompass it. In their place will be young men and women sent into the world to make a way for themselves. I hope that when that time comes I will have been faithful more days than not in the everyday in the way that God called me to walk out His purposes for my life in order to have the greatest impact on theirs.

God bless you mamas!

You can now purchase my book, Thirty Balloons: An Adoption Tale, on Amazon.

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Twenty Gifts for Book-Loving Women in Your Life

She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain. ~ Louisa May Alcott

On Monday, I posted 12 Books to Celebrate Mom to spotlight the mama in your home (most likely that is you!) as we approach Mother’s Day. Today, I am highlighting some wonderful library editions for the book-loving women in your life, in addition to some beautiful bibliophile accessories and bookish home décor. I think you will find at least one great gift to treat yourself, your mom, or a special mama in your life.

Inspiring library selections for moms of babies to teens:

Classics for moms of all ages:

This collection of Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, A Little Princess, and Heidi:

For Jane Austen lovers:

Give me all the bookish things:

I own this mug in orange and have gifted three colors. One of my favorite mugs!

Purchase a gift card which is always the right size and the right color!

With her Amazon gift card, she can preorder these beautiful library editions:

Don’t forget a yearly subscription to Audible!


Here’s to hoping you find the perfect gift for the book-loving women in your life…maybe even yourself!



You can now purchase my book, Thirty Balloons: An Adoption Tale, on Amazon.

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12 Books to Celebrate Mom

They’re typically the ones behind the camera and not in the pictures, the ones who stay up late and get up early to make sure the items and plans for the day ahead are in order. They’re the clothes washers, diaper changers, taxi drivers, heart shapers, and forever companions. Yes ma’am, I am talking about mamas.

We are a month away from Mother’s Day. With nearly every holiday I grab a heaping stack of books and read aloud to celebrate the occasion. I thought, why not highlight mothers during read aloud times too! Below are 12 books that highlight moms and the special place they hold in the family, and in their children’s hearts.

A few ideas for sharing this particular stack of books:

  •  place these in a book basket and encourage your older, literate children to read them to your younger children
  •  have this special stack set aside for dad to read aloud
  • snuggle in close with your children and read them aloud yourself

I’ve included board books, picture books, and one chapter book. Don’t forget, older children like to be read to as well, and they also benefit from and enjoy picture books.

Join me here on Thursday for a list of Mother’s Day gift ideas for your book loving mama and be sure to leave your own Mother’s Day book suggestions in the comments.

You can now purchase my book, Thirty Balloons: An Adoption Tale, on Amazon.

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