12 Books to Celebrate Mom

They’re typically the ones behind the camera and not in the pictures, the ones who stay up late and get up early to make sure the items and plans for the day ahead are in order. They’re the clothes washers, diaper changers, taxi drivers, heart shapers, and forever companions. Yes ma’am, I am talking about mamas.

We are a month away from Mother’s Day. With nearly every holiday I grab a heaping stack of books and read aloud to celebrate the occasion. I thought, why not highlight mothers during read aloud times too! Below are 12 books that highlight moms and the special place they hold in the family, and in their children’s hearts.

A few ideas for sharing this particular stack of books:

  •  place these in a book basket and encourage your older, literate children to read them to your younger children
  •  have this special stack set aside for dad to read aloud
  • snuggle in close with your children and read them aloud yourself

I’ve included board books, picture books, and one chapter book. Don’t forget, older children like to be read to as well, and they also benefit from and enjoy picture books.

Join me here on Thursday for a list of Mother’s Day gift ideas for your book loving mama and be sure to leave your own Mother’s Day book suggestions in the comments.

You can now purchase my book, Thirty Balloons: An Adoption Tale, on Amazon.

Brooke Cooney
Author: Brooke Cooney

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  1. Abby Nealous says

    My favorite is Where’s My Mom? by Julia Donaldson