The How and Why of Blogging

“Human creativity is derivative and reflective, working within the bounds of what God has formed,” writes Os Guinness. As. C.S. Lewis put it, “an author should never conceive of himself as bringing into existence beauty or wisdom which did not exist before, but simply and solely as trying to embody in terms of his own art some reflection of that eternal Beauty and Wisdom.” Because of the Fall, we do not have a clear glimpse of Beauty or Wisdom; we see only a poor reflection. But because of Christ’s redemption, the arts can be restored. (How Now Shall We Live, Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey, 1999)

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I have not always considered myself an artist, nor, for that matter, a writer.

In 2008, I began a family blog to chronicle the life of our first child, Emily, in such a way that relatives in neighboring states could observe her growth and development. That blog consisted primarily of captioned pictures and a smidgen of video clips. Later, in August of 2010, I began writing a ministry blog: Raise the Risk. Fairly quickly I came to love the art and craft of writing. I began reading other more popular bloggers and learned more about this creative outlet I am called to.

In 2011, I decided that writing two blogs was too much. I wanted to graft my family blog and ministry blog together. I also wanted the freedom to write about all aspects of my life; not only the ones that involved everyday risks. As a result of that decision, This Temporary Home was born. I now consider this blogging home a place where I can capture the days and express my thoughts through the lens of  a Christian worldview. It is my way of embracing everyday beauty.


Interested in starting a blog of your own? There is no one way, however, I would love for you to learn from my past experiences in blogging and shorten your learning curve a bit.

  1. I suggest starting with your own website versus a Blogger or WordPress blog. I have used all three and would forgo the headache of transitioning from one to a dot com. To do this you need to purchase a domain name and secure a server. BlueHost is the server that I use. A detailed description of how to go about this can be found here on Amy Lynn Andrews’ helpful website for all things technical on blogging. As you decide on your domain name (web address) the easiest thing to do is use your name as a dot com. For example: I did not choose this for various reasons, however, in retrospect this may have been a better option. Using your name gives you the flexibility of changing your blog’s name without purchasing another domain.
  2. Next, begin writing. Once you establish a regular writing schedule, you will discover the theme connecting your posts together. You may begin a food blog only to discover you continuously write about the guests you have over for dinner! Once you develop your writing style, and the theme woven into it, then you can begin working on your branding. More about that next.  The most important element of writing a blog is consistency in posting. The more you write, the better you will become.
  3. Branding. By this I am referring to the web design and overarching message of your posts. These YouTube vlogs may be helpful in pursuing this idea further. I hired someone to design the look of my blog. I have no regrets for doing so. For a very reasonable cost, and much less anxiety on my part, a beautiful space was created for me to call my writing home. I would suggest that you look at your favorite blogs and websites and determine what exactly draws you to the look of those blogs. The look draws you, but the content is what makes people return again and again.
  4. Next, once you have blogged for a year, I would highly recommend converting your blog into a book. The company that I use each year is the Cutest Blog on the Block. These books are our family’s “scrap book” and also make for great gifts!
  5. One last piece of advice. When writing your blog and pursuing a reader base, always write with your audience in mind. In other words, try to tie in how the lessons you learn can impact your readers lives.

If you sense the Holy Spirit calling you to pursue blogging, be it writing, photography, cooking, or a creative how-to website, then I hope that the above suggestions will be of benefit to you. May you blog for His glory and for beauty!




*Photography by Ron.

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To Make the Most of Our Days

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It is often said that we should enjoy the present days for “the days are long but the years are short.” Sooner than our minds can fathom, our children will be forging their own path and we parents left with dinner for two.

During these short years full of long days, how do we make the most of our time? How do we enjoy our children, maintain our patience, and live with sanity amidst frequent requests, tiffs between children, and multiple appointments? I think an oversimplification of God’s Word will give us a formula for living as wise parents. I need this advice as much as the next mom…maybe even more so at times.

First we must breathe.

The wonderfully created human body breathes without conscious effort. This is one function that you never need to put on your to do list…or do we?

Isn’t amazing how pausing to breathe and reflect before responding to a stressful situation often helps in making our reaction calmer? At least it does mine. When anxiety, stress, and frustration meets us in our day, a few seconds for purposeful, conscious breathing helps us to follow the commands of James 1:19-20: Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

During this brief moment we also provide the Holy Spirit time to remind us of verses we have meditated on and/or read earlier in the morning as we started our day in His Word.


Next, we must rest.

Yes, there are multiple opportunities for work and work is a necessary gift of God. However, rest is a neglected portion of health. God rested on the seventh day and His Word further tells us to be still and know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10) With rest comes reflection and observation of the greatness of God.


Third, we must reflect and praise.

In reflection on the precious moments of our day: his giggle, her smile, that quip, those paintings, toys shared, dishes done, we remember the gifts of God. As we remember the gifts we then turn and praise God, the giver of all things both good and perfect (James 1:17).

God appreciates a thank you as much as anyone else, and He deserves it far more than anyone else.

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Finally, repeat.

Each new day brings the opportunity for the repetition of these steps. No day is the same, which is why we must make the most of our time, accept the forgiveness of yesterday’s trespasses, and purpose to live this day in accordance with His will. Is that a lofty aim…perhaps, but He calls us to it none the less and He is patient beyond all our understanding.

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A few simple reminders to make the most of our days and live intentionally in the present to make the most of eternity.



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You Are Not Alone

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No man is an island,  entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were;  any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

~John Donne

Just as John Donne, priest and poet, proposes that every passing of a life affects all mankind, I propose that our actions affect mankind as a whole.

Take for example the playing of our three children upon the beach. Little E takes Joshua’s truck. Joshy screams. Emily intervenes with physical force as I simultaneously begin giving orders. Where moments before there was peace and harmony in sand and sea, seconds later there is discord and strife.

One thought that often scares me is: people are watching when I least expect it. Someone whom I have never met may watch my interactions with my husband, children, or friends and be influenced by my behavior. People notice the manner in which we dress, react to news, pray, …our Facebook interactions and Tweets and all the while we may live in oblivion to this fact.

Your life and example can affect not only my own choices…but I can allow it to affect my mood, insecurities, worries…

This week perhaps you have received unbelievable news that you did not expect. Where did this news drive you? To your knees… a gut check…despair? Perhaps all three in varying forms.

Dear one, you are not alone. As even this news reached your ears as reality, the Father knew it from before time began. He knows all, sees all, and will one day redeem all. I want to pray for you here today as you walk in the new reality the news has brought for you.

Father God,

You are maker of heaven and earth. Before each child breathes their first breath, You have already knit them together in their mother’s womb and know each day they will live.

Help us not to waste this life you have given us!

When we are recipients of shocking news let us remember you hold the world in Your hand. The entire host of the heavens are called out by name from your mouth. When each star burns its last you are aware.

Please be with the grieving. Help us to remember that our actions can cause a ripple effect. Help us to behave in such a way as to bring about positive, God-honoring change and not contribute to the death and dying of this cursed world.

We long for the redemption of your creation. As we await your Son’s second coming, we thank you for your common grace that allows for continuance of life on earth, and for your saving grace that turns sinners into blood-washed saints.

We love You Lord and ask for Your will to be done on earth as in heaven. Even so Lord Jesus, come soon.

In Jesus Name I pray,



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Thankful in Rememberance

For ten years our family was unable to enjoy our backyard. Unfortunately our neighbors repeatedly ignored our association rules to “pick up the poop” after their dogs. Equally unfortunate was the fact that the favored potty was our own backyard. Although we have enjoyed new, responsible, and godly neighbors for the last year it seems even longer that we have enjoyed the blessing of running worry free through the grass as we play with the children.

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The years of biting our tongue, or conversely, saying too much in anger over the mess in the front yard (that would fall on my mouth), as well as the occasions we picked poop up ourselves, have all been replaced with a clean playground for the kids.

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Time is a tool that God uses to perfect the outworking of His Spirit in us. Had our neighbors cleaned up their act upon our first request, I am sure my current level of gratitude would be significantly diminished. The persistence of pestilence made the joy of relief all the sweeter.

One day the hardships, the temptations that seem more than bearable, and the suffering that is around us will all be overcome. There will be a time in the future we can reflect in thankfulness for the gift of the present. Faithful obedience in pain, and painstaking patience amidst trials will be rewarded either in this life or the next for those who trust in Christ Jesus.

Yesterday as I followed the children through the backyard a refreshing sense of thankfulness overcame me. God made our yard beautiful in His time so that we could enjoy the days with our children. Today, I am truly tankful in remembrance of this sweet smelling gift.

What does remembrance cause you to be thankful for today? What has God delivered you from or through that you can praise Him for with a grateful heart?

I pray this weekend is filled with thankful remembrance of all that He has done in your life. However, the greatest gift that we can say thank you for is the gift that matters most: The sinless blood of Christ was shed for the sinful acts of men. Those who believe on Christ for their salvation, confess and repent of their sinful acts and prideful heart, and profess Him as their Lord will one day join Him at Home.




P. S. One additional mention of thanksgiving is of a heart transformation toward the task of laundry. You can read about that here.

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Lord Give Me Eyes to See


In life, when  looking at something from a distance we often cannot make out what we see with exact clarity.

 “Circle, hand, flag, stable, cross…” Emily stated as she labeled each picture for the nurse administering the vision screening. The stable, really a cup, was discussed more closely and even revealed to Emily, but as she covered the other eye and read the symbols from right to left this time, she continued with, “cross, stable, flag, hand, circle.”

Perhaps it is the same with us adults? We see a situation looming in our near future or planted square in front of our noses and we have this ominous presence of anxiety about that which may happen.

Uncertainty can be a ferocious devourer of peace.

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For five months we have welcomed Little E into our family and hearts. We love and understand him more and more with each passing day, as he us. Recent progress made on the part of his family lead us to believe we will have him for only two months more. Right now we have many questions and concerns for him, for our children, and for ourselves:

How will the transition back to his own home and family affect him? How will it affect our children? What amount of time will we need a break before we invite another child into our home through foster care? How do I cope with the guilt of looking forward to some relief as a parent of three back to two and yet handle my own mixed emotions about losing the little one I have come to love? What if we need several months “off” before we are ready to again become the orphan’s advocate that foster care requires?



These questions only target this one facet of our lives…we know many more people and situations that require constant prayer.

The anxiety levels can build as we look at the mess and needs around us. Its presence can pervade our days without our expressed knowledge but rather a feeling, a heaviness, that we desire to be freed from.

Thankfully, as both the nurse and I clearly saw the stable was a cup, God sees the struggles in our view as whatever cup they may turn out to be: cups of grace and mercy, deliverance from or deliverance through, or cups of pain and purification for His glory and our ultimate good.

He who was born in the household stable came to drink the cup of God’s wrath on our sin so we wouldn’t have to. Lord, please give us eyes to see, as your Son, the cup poured before us and let us say as He did:

My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.

My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done.

~Matthew 26:39, 42 (emphasis mine)

As we pray the Father’s will let us also claim His promises found in Philippians 4:6-7:

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be make known to God. And the peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


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Embracing Everyday Beauty

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Art Project



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 And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty. ~Exodus 28:2

This scripture encouraged me earlier in the week. It was comforting to know that God loves beauty. One look outside professes that He delights in creating beautiful things. Likewise, God has created us both for His glory and for the beauty of relationship. Days are messy…relationships certainly included, but we must train our thoughts to think on that which is pure, excellent, praiseworthy, noble, true, …lovely (Philippians 4:8). Embracing the everyday in totality yet through the lens of Christ and the gospel.

 Let us meditate for a moment on that phrase “whatever is lovely.” Think of something that is “lovely” to you. A sunset. A favorite novel. Tiny robins chirping in the nest. The face of someone you love. Music that makes you dance. Let your mind dwell there for a moment. Give it directed mental focus.

You just obeyed the Bible. That “counts.” You just opened up your mind a bit to the flow of the Holy spirit. ~John Ortberg, The Me I Want to Be

God redeems the days and we are to seek and dwell on beauty in them. What has God called for you to make for your brother for His glory and for beauty? What beauty has he crafted for you this day that you can recount? It may be more simple than first imagined: focused discussion, uninterrupted play, a special outing, a shared meal, a thoughtful thank you, or a timely apology.

For His glory and for beauty,



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A Birth Remembered



 As we reflect on the five years lived with our Emily, we are overwhelmed with blessings. Emily, you have grown into a beautiful little girl full of love for others, a nurturing spirit, thoughtful ways, and an increasing vocabulary! Daddy and I pray for you a year full of growth in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man. We pray this year or one soon after will usher in rebirth for you as you profess to know Jesus through repentance and salvation.

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*Last two photos taken by Corey Conroy Photography.

Last night Emily created a booklet from her scraps and marker scribbles. As she presented the book to me she asked, “Mommy will you remember me forever?” ” Yes, I will always remember you. Emily, if my mind stops working and I don’t remember you, yes, even then my heart and spirit will forever know you. When we meet again in heaven I will say, ‘There is my Love!'”

A mother’s heart will never forget that which the mind may fail to remember.


Dearest Emily, our firstborn and only daughter, Happy 5th Birthday! You are dearly loved.


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Shared Strength

 Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. ~ Hebrews 13:15

Moses was admittedly weak of tongue and all-but refused the job that God set before him in a blaze of burning glory. He doubted his own strength and abilities to complete the assignment of bringing God’s people out of Egyptian slavery and into the promised land. Little did Moses realize that his greatest tribulations would not come from the hard-hearted Pharaoh of Egypt, but the ungrateful, complaining hearts of God’s chosen people. Time and time again the Israelites cried out to Moses with complaints to which Moses replied something to the effect: “Am I God? Cry out to God!”


The lips of God’s own, newly-delivered people did not acknowledge His name; rather the embittered Israelites questioned the intentions of the one whom God sent. Why have you brought us here to die? It was better for us in Egypt. Did you bring us here for us to hunger and thirst to death?

But in each case, Moses produced fruit of lips that acknowledged God’s name. He petitioned the Father on the people’s behalf and interceded when as yet the Intercessor, Christ Jesus, had come. Moses was a godly, gracious leader who lived continually in the practice of praising and petitioning God. Yes, his temper had the better part of him on a few occasions, but his example is primarily exemplary.

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.~Hebrews 13:16

Sometimes that which we are called to share is simply our strength.

Moses, shortly after exiting Egypt, appointed Joshua to gather men to fight with Amalek. Moses, with the staff the Lord had provided at the burning bush, went up to the top of a hill overlooking the battleground. He took his brother and spokesman, Aaron, and another man, Hur, with him. As the battle raged, Moses discovered that whenever he held up his hands, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed.

Moses needed his hands to be lifted high towards heaven in order for the battle to be won. A stance of surrender, a stance of awe and praise towards God. But oh how we grow tired and weary in battle!

But Moses’ hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side. So his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. ~Exodus 17:12

Sun Set

Are you a Moses in your own time, or perhaps you know a fellow servant like Moses? Remember, Moses needed a rock on which to rest and friends to help him persevere in a surrendered posture until the setting of the sun.

Could it be that God has brought us into someone’s life for such a time as this to stand alongside and declare, “I am here to serve you with the strength God has given me until the sun sets on your battle.”

May we find the practice of praise amidst our arsenal and the pursuit to serve one another in our creed. May we see each other to the sunset and our arms can rest in Him.




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Perseverance Required

Ever had one of those weeks where every other bite you put in your mouth just might be chocolate? Well…I am having one of those. There is an undercurrent in my emotions that has a twinge of anxiousness with a twist of exhaustion.

I always experience the urge to hurry. I rush through a walk from the parking lot the same as I have a major tendency to rush through life. I know that tasks will always be there, work will always have loose ends, and that as the water ripples it wrinkles time.

Yet, I continue to find myself saying, “Slow down, enjoy this moment. Enjoy the way the sun hits Emily’s hair. Remember how Little E looks in his big boy helmet while riding the firetruck. Cherish Joshua full of life as he says, “Mommy, did you see that?” after pushing his dump-truck down the hill for the 100th time.

Cooney Family - Nov_ 2012

The days are fleeting even as my mind flies in a hundred directions and my feet want to cancel the anxiously eaten chocolate with more miles logged on the treadmill.

I stop and breath a prayer asking, “What is it that I am anxious about?” He will answer…He always does…in His time.

Repeatedly I think, “Stay the course, pray the prayers, give the anxiety over to Him moment by fleeting moment and cherish the days.”

For those of you who have made a New Year’s Resolution towards good health, I would like to offer a suggested running/workout playlist. Running does help refocus my anxious energy. I have used a combination of these songs for the past year and continue to find them motivational. Perseverance is required; a peppy playlist makes all the difference for me. Don’t get me wrong, exercising is something that I absolutely enjoy (sorry for those of you who gag at the thought), but having motivational music is a must.

A heads up: all of this music is Christian and most is Christian rap. Here you go:

1. Wobble- Family Force 5

2. Me Without You- Toby Mac

3. Try Me- Flame

4. Running- Flame

5. Scripture Alone- Flame

6. Show Out- Flame

7. Robot- Trip Lee

8. Envy- 116 Clique

9. Responsibility-116 Clique

10 Transcend- Group 1 Crew

11. Spazz- Lecrae

12. Courage-116 Clique

13. Temptation-116 Clique

14. Cool down music of your choice. This one I rotate frequently.

Please send me some new running music suggestions. What makes your feet hit the pavement faster? What makes you decompress the concerns of your days?


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Lessons in the Clouds

Remember as a child, or perhaps even presently, the game of discovering pictures or figures in the clouds? Saturday evening I was driving to church with the children and beheld the most magnificent skyline full of puffy, white clouds.

When you think of clouds you might contemplate the beautiful sight to behold in the sky, or their part in rain and photosynthesis, but have you ever looked at the clouds and thought of God? 


On Saturday, one cloud-scape in particular caught my attention. I imagined that it looked like God in his chariot of horses riding on the clouds.

He lays the beams of his chambers on the waters; he makes the clouds his chariot he rides on the wings of the wind; he makes his messengers winds, his ministers a flaming fire.~Psalm 103:3-4 (emphasis mine)

The Bible has many references to God and clouds. Take for example that God traveled before the Israelites by day in a pillar of cloud and by night in a pillar of fire to guide them (Exodus 13:21); He again showed Israel His glory in a cloud over the desert (Exodus 16:10).  God spoke to Moses and showed him His glory from within a cloud (Exodus 24:15-16). God told Moses that He appeared in a cloud over the atonement cover (Leviticus:1-2).  God spoke to Peter, John, and James after they witnessed the transfiguration through a cloud (Luke 9:34-35).

Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. ~Revelation 1:7

There are more accounts in scripture associating clouds with God, but these six examples are enough to confirm that the association holds merit.

Oswald Chambers, in My Utmost for His Highest, assuaged that:

The clouds are a sign that He is there. What a revelation it is to know that sorrow and bereavement and suffering are the clouds that come along with God! God cannot come near without clouds, He does not come in clear shining. It is not true to say that God wants to teach us something in our trials: Through every cloud He brings, He wants us to unlearn something.  His purpose in the cloud is to simplify our belief until our relationship to Him is exactly that of a child-God and my own soul, other people are shadows.” (July 29th entry)

Within the last year, I have witnessed so much death…unexpected death. There are clouds of sorrow that have loomed over my soul and even more strongly over those that I know and love.

I have contemplated how the evil in life is more real with every passing year. For children, the worries of this world are primarily unrecognized. Yes, they see and hear and worry, but not on a level of adult understanding. God does not want us to worry. In fact, worry is a sin that we should avoid. Rather, God would have us come like a child to their daddy and say, “Father, this has happened and I am so very sad…scared…doubtful…please help me.”

I believe the above is what Oswald Chambers and Jesus himself meant when they said we must approach God with the faith of a child. Our reasoning and wisdom increase with age, however we must revert to the child-like trust in the One who is greater than all to see us through and teach us the lessons in the dark or the fluffy clouds of life.

It has been said that “in every cloud there is a silver lining.”  Perhaps it would be better to say that in every cloud is God’s refining.  When we take a walk through the clouds it is for our sanctification and purification in Christ to ultimately bring us into greater communion with Him.  I am certain that my present clouds are teaching me more of God and my great need for Him.  What is your walk through the clouds teaching you?

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.~ Psalm 19:1-3



an edited repost

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