No calorie counting or squats on this list! However, resistance training and a heavy dose of discipline are required.
1. Treat our personal body as the temple of the Lord by pursuing sexual morality.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
2. In like manner, for the married, love our spouse and remain faithful to him. Our marriage should be a picture of Christ and the church.
Ephesians 5:22-33, Hebrews 13:4
3. Recognize that all our assets come from and belong to God then use them according to His will.
Acts 4:32-35
4. Use spiritual gifts to serve and edify the saved and to seek the lost.
Romans 12:4-8,10, 13; Acts 1:8; James 2:26
5. Pray for persecuted Christians around the world and for their persecutors to come to Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 13:3, Romans 12:14-15
6. Renew our minds by setting our thoughts on things above, through the reading of the scriptures, and prayer. Romans 12:1-2, Colossians 3:1-4, 16
7. Take care of the orphaned and the widow.
James 1:27, 2:26
8. Do not give up meeting together for corporate worship.
Hebrews 10:23-25
9. Seek the unification of the body.
1 Corinthians 12:24-26, Ephesians 4
10. Love one another as Christ has loved us.
John 15:12-17
In building a beautiful body of Christ, as with pursuing to maintain health in our physical bodies, knowledge will only get us so far. It is the working out of that which we learn that brings us closer to our goals as well as our ideal state. Thankfully the Holy Spirit is within us to guide us and help us to attain that which Christ commands.
I challenge you to choose one of these ways to build a beautiful body. Research what the Bible says and then begin to pray that Christ will develop you in this area. Let’s build some holy muscles shall we?