Your Baby’s First Library Essentials

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Having your first child brings a multitude of checklists including but not limited to: finding a pediatrician, choosing hospital bag items, determining theme of nursery items, making a registry …on and on it seems to go. 

I’ve decided to make one list for you: Your Baby’s First Library List!

Below are around 30 essential books to starting a home library for your new baby. For more seasonal selections see my other posts via the search bar on the bottom right of the screen. For everyday reading, which is essential to the cognitive and linguistic growth of your baby, not to mention the bonding time that reading provides, you’ll want to snag a copy or two of these. 

As a small side note, I’ve opened up my own bookshop over on Instagram! I would love for you to do some of your shopping with me. You can find me here: Brooke’s Bookshop  

Feel free to make requests for books that you would love for me to find! 

Happy Reading!


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