Picture Books to Jump Start Second Language Learning

Have you ever wanted to teach your children Spanish but were’t sure where to start? That’s exactly how I felt the beginning of this summer. 

Our family’s quest to learn Spanish all began with my oldest’s daughter’s prompting.  I asked a few homeschooling friends what they used and they suggested Duo Lingo and so she commenced her studies using this free online program. Next, I remembered a podcast in which a guest suggested using picture books to teach second languages, so I begin grabbing all the picture books with Spanish text I could find. Now the whole family, particularly my two year old daughter, is using our new, though limited, Spanish vocabulary throughout the day! 

Here is a list of our favorite picture books along with a few chapter books to get your family started learning Spanish in a fun and informal way. I intentionally chose books sprinkled with the language, but you can find many of your favorite picture books entirely translated into Spanish. Here is a good place to look. Let me know if there are any books you recommend.  Gracias! 

Juana & Lucas is a delightful chapter book filled with Spanish words that tell of a young girl learning English in school. 

Esperanza Rising, written by Pam Munoz Ryan, is a beautiful coming of age story dealing with migrant workers in California.  I loved listening to the audio recording of this book for pronunciation of the beautiful Spanish words speckled throughout the book. 

Brooke Cooney
Author: Brooke Cooney

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