Ten Alternative Mystery Series to Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys

What child doesn’t love a good mystery? However, I have found in my own home and in conversations with other adults that Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys series can sometimes be too intense and frightening for younger to tween children. Have you found that to be the case? Your child, who is independent, suddenly has a fear of going to brush their teeth alone at night or going to bed and you realize that it must be something they are reading or watching on tv. I’ve been there!

With the help of a few fellow mamas, I have compiled a list of 10 additional mystery book series that will not disappoint. Did you catch that word, series? That means if your children like the first book there are at least five more in each set! That is a win!

The first two series are for both boys and girls:



These are most likely enjoyed by your boys:

For the girls:

Series for beginner readers that both boys and girls will enjoy:

Do you have more series to add to this collection? Let me know in the comments below!

Brooke Cooney
Author: Brooke Cooney

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  1. Rachel Nash says

    Have you read the Ottoline books by Chris Riddell, they are really fun!