For When You Don’t Want to Trim the Tree

I lay on my unmade bed, “I don’t really want to decorate this house. I have the nativity up, isn’t that enough?”

Decorations were strewn all over the bedroom and living room and I was strewn on the bed in desperate need of a mental and physical break.

Wasn’t I the woman who had all her Christmas presents purchased before Thanksgiving for a few years in a row? Wasn’t I the one who occasionally decorated for Christmas prior to leaving for Thanksgiving celebrations with family in Alabama? My how things had changed.

Then I recalled Emily’s quip, “The tree looks beautiful mama!” This after I had only plugged the lights in! Then it came to me: I am no longer decorating for myself; I am decorating the house for the kids now.

I lay there a little while longer and let this reality set in. Even decorating the house for Christmas has taken on a selfless twist with the dawning of parenthood. Ashamedly, this was novel news to me. I always thought my mom decorated because she loved Christmas, but maybe it is always for the ones she loves?

After brainstorming what remained of the decorations, I began my quest to decorate the house in such a way that the kids and Ron would happily reflect upon in years to come. The new flannel Christmas sheets hit the mattress, the second nativity the dresser, garland and ornaments for the chandler, and the finishing ornaments on the tree.

Truly, Christmas was never about the presents nor the decorations it’s always been about man’s sinful heart which needed to be redeemed by the sinless Messiah.

The decorations in our home are an outward reminder and a marker to share the story of redemption. The story that all started when the Son forfeited Heaven to lay down in a bed of hay and start our journey Home.

 *A special thanks to the wonderful Neely Farms. We look forward to our traditional after Thanksgiving Day visit every year.

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What I Am Reading Wednesday: The Harbinger

The World Trade Center Sphere in Battery Park

Freedom Tower

 The Empire State Building

The bricks have fallen,

But we will rebuild with hewn stone;

The sycamores have been cut down,

But we will plant cedars in their place.

~Isaiah 9:10

“The prophecy, in its context, concerned ancient Israel. But now, as a sign, it concerns America.”


“It is the sign of a nation that once knew God but then fell away, a sign that America is now the nation in danger of judgment…and now given warning and the call to return.”

“So it was originally given to Israel, but now it’s given as a sign to America?”

“Yes. So if that same prophetic message, that same warning of judgment, once given in Israel’s last days, should now manifest itself in America, it will be a sign–a sign that America is now the nation that once knew God but then fell away and is now in danger of judgment and now given warning and a calling to return.”

“So if that word should be manifested in America, it becomes a harbinger of America’s future?”

“A harbinger,” he answered, “and more than one.”

~The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future by Jonathan Cahn

Grab your copy and join the discussion next week on What I Am Reading Wednesday. I am off to read the second half of this book…

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Quietly Working

We are well here at This Temporary Home. It has been a very fast paced week with our newest edition. I continue processing it all so that whatever the Lord prompts me to write might be shared with you.

This week will be another quiet week on the blog as Ron and I have a writing deadline. We are each writing two chapters for a book that will be published in 2013. It is our very first book project and we are truly honored that Dr. Jay Strack would ask us to be a part of this collaborative book for teens.

Please pray for Ron and I as we finalize our chapters. Pray that we would write with God’s wisdom and for such a time as this to speak to the hearts of the teenagers and youth workers that this resource will find its way to.

I look forward to returning to my schedule of posting next week. Thank you so much for your prayers for our fostering and writing. God is working.

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Reflections on Mission

Reflections Day 1

Consumerism in the form of western food chains met my eyes first. The dirty, crowded streets of this capitol city in  Tegucigalpa are not unlike that of most other capitol cities in the world…at first glance.

Driving through the city to AFE, we first passed a shopping mall with appearances equal to that of any in my own home state of Florida. But upon further driving I quickly saw why this is a third world country.

House upon house on this mountainous land are stacked one upon the other and side by side. The windowless houses are made of crumbling bricks and  gray stone with the occasional brightly painted dwellings rising to the surface in bright blues, oranges, and yellows.

House upon house, row upon row of crumbling dwellings turn into cardboard shelters built upon resourceful foundations of tires piled five high to protect against erosive rainy seasons.

Beautifully dirty, brown skinned children walk home from school, slide down one-rail banisters into busy streets. Roads filled with the constant sounds of beeping horns vying for taxi customers and right of ways primarily void of stop signs and traffic lights.

As we near AFE’s school campus, the smell of trash wafts through the air. I am reminded  how this woman was once a girl who avoided Saturday’s trip to the land fields most weekends has now grown into a woman purposely seeking out the poorest of the poor in the trash dump of Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

In the foe leather seats of the school bus, I remember that missions is God’s love poured on the saved inviting them, commanding them, to serve His created people and make disciples of all nations. God has invited me into His glorious work among a loved people whose outward poverty and physical uncleanliness signify the filthy rags of righteousness I offer Him.

AFE, Amor Fe y Esperanza, translates to Love, Faith, and Hope, and is the ministry we are partnering with through Lakeland based Student Ministry Essentials. AFE works strictly with the people of Teguicigalpla that live and work on the trash dump.

We were given a tour by one AFE employee, Adam. He told us of the daycare/preschool program for the babies of workers who would otherwise join thier parents’ in a days work on the trash dump if it were not for this program at AFE.

Each day 14 brown-skinned, brown-eyed toddlers are brought to AFE for bathtime, two meals, and two snacks. They are taught skills commenserate with their learning leavels and are loved on with the hands and hearts of God’s servants at AFE.

Next, Adam invites us to go into the building and look at the school rooms and see the children. It is nap time and the room is dark.

Approaching those sleeping or resting children their cautious brown eyes stare out of railed cribs; some stacked two cribs high. I instantly want to touch them with the love God has given me for children. I desire to speak a blessing over them and extend the love that is theirs for the taking.

I smile and wave as I follow team members doing the same. I slip my camera away as some moments are to be soaked and simply remembered. These are God’s children wordlessly communicating why we have come.

I lay my right hand on a sleeping boy who reminds me of my own precious son miles away and pray a blessing over him. As I turn to look again at a timid little boy intently watching our white-skinned team invade his haven, I see a male teammate trying to keep the puddles in his eyes from getting the better part of him.

We step back outside into the sonlight and more of our team file out. Jesus loves the little children and uses them to speak to His beloved bride and we await more words from Him this week as we serve.

I want to leave you with some prayer requests for the ministry of AFE. In our tour of the school challenges were conveyed so as to paint a picture of the culture and everyday lives of the students within their ministry. Adam did not mention any of these specifically to pray for; this is what I walked away with. Please take a few moments to pray over these today.

1. Pray for the retention of male students. In a culture where males are pressured to work as early as possible and start families of their own. The delayed gratification of a greater return with a completed education is marginalized.
2. Pray for the direction of the school that they may continue to know and do the will of God with the resources He has blessed them with.
3. Pray for workers; specifically for medical partnerships in the community to address the many needs of the students and their families.

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Favorite Posts of the Week

This week I discovered wonderful blog posts for Christian women on topics that we are usually hesitant to talk about. These edifying posts are shared in hopes that if you are struggling with these topics, have struggled, or know someone who is, you can find hope and direction. Additionally, since these are favorites, I am linking up with the wonderfully sweet Rachel over at Finding Joy.

friday favorite things | finding joy

1. I  am constantly second guessing what I am wearing. Do you ever wonder if what you are wearing is appropriate? Truth hits the spot, so this might be helpful: Dressing to Attract via

2. The author of the post above also wrote The Hot Mom Syndrome which was so insightful and honest. With billboards, movies, and society telling women a message quite contrary to Christ’s this is an encouraging counter-post from:





3. Mary DeMuth’s blog is one that I read regularly. She posted A Story for Those Thinking About Leaving Their Marriage. Ron returned from a youth pastor’s conference this week and was challenged by Josh McDowell’s presentation about reaching and losing this present generation for Christ. Josh emphasized that this generation looks at pastors and deacons who leave their marriages and then surmise that God’s Truth isn’t any truth at all because it doesn’t work. I was so thankful for Mary’s story that encourages married couples to show that the Truth works. Perhaps you need this story as a personal encouragement today?

4. On quiet days, I need this…Give Yourself Grace via

Finding Joy

5. Where Do Introverts Fit Into the Church? This one is for both men and women via

holy experience




I hope that you find these as interesting and insightful as I did. Blessings on this Friday!

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A Look at the Lenten Season

Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! ~John 1:29


As we prepare our home for foster children I keep reminding myself that this will only be temporary. Yes, we hope that one of the children will become our forever child. However, going into this I need to remind myself that that may not happen soon, nor honestly, even at all.

Jesus too knew that his time on this earth was temporary. He reminded Pilate that His kingdom was not of this world (John 18-32-34). To his disciples, “a little while and you will see me no longer” (John 16:16).

Jesus came on a temporary basis so that he could prepare an eternal home for us in heaven.

He came to crush his heel on the serpent’s head. He came to redeem us by paying the death penalty for our sins.

What is Lent?

Lent-among Christians originally the period of prebaptismal preparation, later of public penance. Finally it became a forty-day devotional preparation for Easter traditionally based on Jesus’ wilderness fast:

And he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And he was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to him. Mark 1:13

~Harper’s Bible Dictionary

Traditionally, the observance of Lent calls for a 40 day fast from some thing or food of your choosing. Yet the overriding message of Lent is repentance that leads us to the cross of Christ.

This is what the LORD says, “Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Don’t tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead.” Return to the LORD your GOD, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish. Who knows? Perhaps he will give you a reprieve, sending you a blessing instead of this curse. Perhaps you will be able to offer grain and wine to the LORD your God as before.  ~Joel 2:12-14

Today as we embark on the season of Lent that will lead us to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, may we spend some time in repentance. Confessing our sins before Jesus and asking Him to give us a heart of righteousness.

Perhaps you will choose a food to abstain from during this period leading to Easter Sunday. Each time the cravings overtake us we can use this to remind us that heaven is our real home, Christ is the giver and sustainer of life, and remind us of our utter dependence upon the Lord.

Lenten Resources:

Ways to Intentionally Celebrate Lent and Easter as a Family by Lindsay at Passionate Homemaking.

Uprooted for Good  by Danice at Beautifully Rooted.

How to Prepare a Family for Lent by Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience.

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Happy Birthday Beloved

How many candles press into a cake before you stop adding them? Hopefully some form of celebration never stops, but sometimes the candles do.

When my husband became a daddy, it was only a few weeks after his 30th birthday. Then two years later he was sandwiched in with Joshua’s birthday just one week before his. Emily’s a mere two weeks after.


Maybe all fathers who truly live up to the title of “dad” find themselves sandwiched between children in some way: reading books on the couch, tickle monster times, stooping low to teach a huddled crowd of eyes and ears.

The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him.

Proverbs 20:7

Today marks the 34th birthday for my beloved, Ron. The very first time I saw my husband, little did I know that we would share in this marvelous love. Not everyday, nor every moment, would either one of us describe our marriage as marvelous, but we would marvel that God brought us together and has redeemed us both.

Today I celebrate your birth, Ron. I thank God for the man that you are and that you are striving to become in Christ Jesus. Thank you for being the ‘sandwhiched’ kind of dad that you are. Emily, Joshua, and I love you past the moon to the sun and back!

I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of you hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward  us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places

Ephesians 1:17-30


Linking with Rachel.

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This Is About Home

Reading this says what I wanted to convey.  Her story will touch your hearts and point toward HIS.

Choose Joy: Gitzen Girl Looking Homeward

Home is a place called Heaven,


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