What I Am Reading Wednesday: The Harbinger

The World Trade Center Sphere in Battery Park

Freedom Tower

 The Empire State Building

The bricks have fallen,

But we will rebuild with hewn stone;

The sycamores have been cut down,

But we will plant cedars in their place.

~Isaiah 9:10

“The prophecy, in its context, concerned ancient Israel. But now, as a sign, it concerns America.”


“It is the sign of a nation that once knew God but then fell away, a sign that America is now the nation in danger of judgment…and now given warning and the call to return.”

“So it was originally given to Israel, but now it’s given as a sign to America?”

“Yes. So if that same prophetic message, that same warning of judgment, once given in Israel’s last days, should now manifest itself in America, it will be a sign–a sign that America is now the nation that once knew God but then fell away and is now in danger of judgment and now given warning and a calling to return.”

“So if that word should be manifested in America, it becomes a harbinger of America’s future?”

“A harbinger,” he answered, “and more than one.”

~The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future by Jonathan Cahn

Grab your copy and join the discussion next week on What I Am Reading Wednesday. I am off to read the second half of this book…

Brooke Cooney
Author: Brooke Cooney

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