Needing More Jesus

Some nights our children enter bed time with ease, and other times, oh but other times, it is a wrestle to the finish line.

Last night was one of those nights, or at least it started out that way. Tears cried and consequences fell and yet our little one would not stay in her room. “But I miss Nana!”

Nana is what the kids call my mom. Both of my parents had left earlier in the week from a long weekend visit. To say the kids love them is an understatement.


I finally looked my child in the eye and said, “You need more Jesus that is who you need.” After a few more sentences I told her that I need more Jesus too. I need to be more thankful instead of crying over what is gone or what isn’t going my way.

I need more Jesus, and don’t I need to learn the very lessons that I try persistently to teach my children?

Honor God… follow the golden rule…remember we are on the same team.

It is true, I am the mom and I do know more than my kids; but it is also true that I am learning the same lessons multiple times over because I am so apt to forget.

Humility in every area of life, in every relationship with other people, begins with a right concept of God as the One who is infinite and eternal in his majesty and holiness. We are to humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand, approaching every relationship and every circumstance in reference to him. When relationships with people are good and circumstances are favorable, we are to humbly receive these blessings from his gracious hand. When people are mistreating us and circumstances are difficult, we are to humbly accept them as from an infinitely wise and loving heavenly Father.

~ Jerry Bridges, The Practice of Godliness

She calmed as I began to speak all that I am thankful to God for. Because those who need more Jesus must recognize His hand on their lives each day. I said, “I am thankful for:”

  • our home
  • your health
  • how you help your brother
  • the fun we had today
  • a comfortable bed and sheets
  • a door to lock
  • a safe neighborhood to live in
  • all of our family

“What are you thankful for Emily?”


“What kind of fish?”


“I am thankful for stingrays too. That is good. What else?”


“What kind of birds?”


“We will look for some peacocks tomorrow when we drop daddy off at work, okay?”

Remembering  Jesus’ works today gives us something to look forward to tomorrow. We must give thanks in humility, knowing that every good and perfect gift is from above and every difficult situation may provide a window to purer relationship with God and man.

I know I need more Jesus…and so do you. What can we thank Him for today?

Linking with Ann.

Brooke Cooney
Author: Brooke Cooney

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